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performance guarantee中文是什么意思

用"performance guarantee"造句"performance guarantee"怎么读"performance guarantee" in a sentence


  • 履约保函
  • 履约保证书


  • Quality of service ( qos ) - specific performance guarantees for cable modem and other high - speed services
  • The guaranteed amount for a security paid by the owner shall be equivalent to that for a performance guarantee undertaken by the contractor
  • The development manager shall ensure that the performance guarantee is valid and enforceable until the expiry of the guarantee period
  • To guarantee the implementation of the contract , each party shall submit to the other a performance guarantee issued by a bank agreed by both parties
  • Today standbys are widely used in almost all economic fields such as international trade , biddings , performance guarantees , and finance
  • 19 abdelzaher t f , shin k g , bhatti n . performance guarantees for web server end - systems : a control - theoretical approach . ieee trans . parallel and distributed systems , january 2002 , 13 : 80 - 96
  • Starting from reviews of the history of guarantee insurance , the author presents the concept of guarantee insurance , relevant disputes and the concept of the performance guarantee insurance for automobile consuming loan
  • Moreover , the study should be set off from the practice , and then relevant problems about subrogation and legal status of insurance cooperative agreement , etc . under the performance guarantee insurance for automobile consuming loan
  • The sub - contractor undertake to provide a performance guarantee to be submitted to the contractor upon signing of this sub - contract in the amount stated in the appendix in order to secure proper performance of the sub - contract works
  • The performance guarantee shall be reduced to four percent ( 4 % ) of the contract price at such time as the development manager has executed and completed fifty percent ( 50 % ) the works as determined at the sole and absolute discretion of the owner
    在开发管理人实施并完成工程的百分之五十( 50 % )之后(由业主单独自行裁定) ,履约保函将被降低到合同价格的百分之四( 4 % ) 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"performance guarantee"造句  


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